The Porcelain Light Grey Paver is one of the most beautiful and elegant paving products for your outdoor project. The Porcelain Light Grey Paver offers elegant grey tones paired with light brown hues. These patio garden styles, provide a comfortable and refreshing atmosphere. The 24”x36” outdoor porcelain pavers will create a stunning visual impact in your outdoor projects. These porcelain pavers will strike a balance between spaciousness and ease of installation. With gently textured surfaces they will make a bold pattern because of the minimal grout. All customers are strongly encouraged to read our product and installation guides before purchasing.
Pool, Patio, Facade, Rooftop, Steps, Treads, Fireplace, SPA
Custom Coping:
Custom cut, bullnose and mitering of Light Grey Porcelain Paver available under 2 weeks in NJ
Packing Info of Porcelain Light Grey Paver:
- 24”x36” – 1 crates = 288 sqft
Technical Specifications (UNI EN 14411 ANNEX G -Bla / UNI EN ISO 13006 ANNEX G -Bla):
- Water Absorption – ≤ 0.1% (International Standard: ≤ 0.5%,)
- Flexion Resistance – Complying (Int. Sta: S ≥ 1.300 N, R ≥ N/mm2)
- Resistance to Thermal Shocks – No Damage (Test Passed According to EN ISO 10545-1)
- Frost Resistance – No Damage (Test Passed According to EN ISO 10545-1)
- Resistance to Swimming Pool Chemicals – Complying (Standard of Test: EN ISO 10545-12)
- Resistance to Stain – Complying (Standard of Test: EN ISO 10545-14)
- Skid Resistance – Anti-Slip: 0.8 (must be more than 0.41) (tested at Main Lab Sassuolo, Italy)
Service Areas:
New Jersey, Connecticut, New York, Long Island, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Michigan, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, Arizona, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Florida, Georgia, California, Illinois, Ohio, and Nevada.